This is a simple GreaseMonkey user script file to get jQuery version of 
any website.

The script add a new menu option in Firefox > Tools > GreasyMonkey > 
Commands > JQVersion

I don't need any firefox addon if I can make it ;-P

---- getjqueryversion.user.js -----
// ==UserScript==
// @name           GetjQueryVersion
// @namespace
// @description    Get jQuery Version
// @include        *
// ==/UserScript==

GM_registerMenuCommand("JQVersion",     function(e){
        try {
            jQ = unsafeWindow.$;
            alert("This page uses JQuery version "+jQ().jquery);
        } catch(err) {
            alert("No JQuery!");


------ end of getjqueryversion.user.js ----------

Jason Levine escribió:
> Ok, this isn't a plugin request but it is related to JQuery.
> Occasionally I wonder whether a site is using JQuery to make their cool
> effects.  I made a bookmarklet to quickly try to access the JQuery object on
> the page and return either the JQuery version or a no JQuery in use message.
> Here's the bookmarklet:
> javascript:(function() { try { alert("This page uses JQuery version "+
> $().jquery); } catch(err) { alert("No JQuery!"); } } )()
> Now for the request, I would love to see this packaged into a FireFox
> plugin.  I envision an unobtrusive item on the status bar that either says
> that the current page isn't using JQuery or shows the JQuery version being
> used on the page.  This way you could check sites during your normal web
> browsing.
> Anyone out there skilled in Firefox Extension authoring want to take this
> on?
> -Jason

Best Regards,
 José Francisco Rives Lirola <>

 SeViR CW · Computer Design
 Murcia - Spain

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