On Sun, 2009-08-09 at 12:57 -0500, Wes Felter wrote:
> http://cubiclemuses.com/cm/articles/2009/08/09/waves-web-of-protocols/
> http://bitworking.org/news/431/wave-first-thoughts
> Building a Wave server won't get you very far because you can't use  
> Google's client; you'll have to also build your own client and design  
> your own client-server protocol. Efforts to build open source Wave  
> servers may only get us 10% of the way there.

Is it *that* large of a project?

I would *guess* (perhaps too optimistically) that
lots of people will be interested in developing 
Wave clients much as lots of people are interested
in making Twitter clients.  So, perhaps there is
room here to help coordinate the subset of those 
people interested in making a free software client.

Also, it's better for freedom if users are 
in control of their own servers.  The need for
users' clients to talk directly to Google's servers is
fairly small, from a freedom loving perspective.

So perhaps there is a chance here to do exactly
that: build free software client (or clients) and,
indeed, define the protocol those use to speak with
free software wave servers.

I suspect that the main reasons Google are not anxious
to release their client and finalize the client-server
protocol are:

  a) They don't have enough feedback from user 
     experience to be sure what the protocol should
     be (in detail) and want space to play with it.
  b) They don't yet want to rule out the possibility
     of business models that involve keeping their 
     flagship client proprietary.

(a) is practically an open invitation for third parties
to experiment with their own clients and protocols.

(b) is a reason to keep at arms length from their client
and client-server protocols for the present.

"Probably take a week or two." (Olin Shivers, famous
last words regarding SCSH.)


> Wes Felter - wes...@felter.org - http://felter.org/wesley/
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