I feel the need to amend my position somewhat. After I wrote my message 
to the list I watched the Wave demo video 
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_UyVmITiYQ> (I had put off watching the 
video for months since it is 1h20m long), and more than once the 
presenter says that Google will open source most of the code. He even 
gives a specific example of ACME Corp. taking Google's Wave 
client+server code, modifying it, and hosting it on their own server. 
Note that Google's "client" is written with GWT, which means part of it 
runs in the browser and part runs on a server; both parts are necessary. 
(The video also shows a "hacker" Wave client with a curses interface, 
but I think this was mostly intended as a joke.)

The situation as I see it is that Wave is useless without a client and 
writing a client is a lot of work, but Google has promised to release 
their client code. I won't consider Wave to be "open" until Google 
releases their client code (or someone builds an independent, fully 
functional client, which I consider unlikely).

I don't really care about the client-server protocol given that 
different types of clients (Web vs. native) will want to talk to the 
server in different ways (mostly due to crippled networking support in 
browsers). If both sides are open, I don't much care if it's based on 
serialized dead rodents over Comet.

If people agree with this analysis I'll write it up into a blog post.

Wes Felter
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