Hi All,

This is not necessarily my forum, as I'm not involved in this
particular industry, but I'm a work/life coach who's used MBTI very
successfully for many, many years, and I wanted to contribute to the
discussion, since the thread came across my desktop. 

I'm always amazed at the vitriol that is frequently heaped up on
MBTI.  I find so much of it coming from a poorly informed
perspective, from people who don't fully understand the instrument
and the thinking behind it or have taken it in a way that cannot
support their best needs.  

When administered under appropriate circumstances and verified and
interpreted by a qualified professional %u2013 which is the way it
was always meant to be %u2013 MBTI can be a truly eye-opening
experience, a real revelation in terms of understanding yourself and
others.  The fact that it has for decades been %u2013 and still
remains - the gold standard in personality self-assessment testifies
to that. 

So why the complaints? One of the reasons, I believe, has to do with
the fact that MBTI was never meant to be taken in the way so many
people do it nowadays - online, with quick, cut-and-dry personality
descriptions and without the supporting services of a qualified MBTI
counsellor.  MBTI is a self-reporting instrument, and psychology
fully recognizes the personal bias that can creep into these. 
That's where work with a qualified professional becomes extremely
important - to help you verify your type, identify your best-fit
type, and make the results relevant to your particular situation.  

And I'm not even talking about the proliferation of fakes -
assessments that claim to be MBTI but, in fact, aren't.  There is
only one place that I would recommend for taking the assessment
online, and it%u2019s at www.mbticomplete.com.  (No, I don%u2019t get
commissions from them.)  This is administered by the actual MBTI
people, who know what they are doing and are applying all the latest
research to the tool and its interpretation.  It will cost you
$59.95, but you%u2019ll get the real thing, and you%u2019ll actually
be taken through the explanation of what each reported preference
means in real life, as well as through the type verification process.
Even then, I don%u2019t believe it%u2019s a substitute for one-on-one
work with a counselor. 

Another problem arises when the results are used in a less than
appropriate manner. To use MBTI to determine an individual%u2019s
suitability for a job or ability to perform is absolutely
unacceptable, and the ethical rules for MBTI administrators are
unequivocal on that.  There are so many factors that determine one's
success on the job that you just can't rely on a simple personality
assessment of any kind. 

Finally, I%u2019d like to correct one of the posters above, who said
that MBTI was about identifying personality traits.  MBTI does not
actually measure personality traits, nor does it predict behavior. 
The only thing it identifies is very broad patterns in which we
collect information about the world around us and the way we make
decisions on that information.  The actual composition of traits of
within those patterns (i.e., kind, aggressive, compassionate,
domineering, etc.) is, of course, unpredictable and completely unique
to every individual in question.

What MBTI is, is an excellent tool (one of many), which, when used
properly, can help us gain a better understanding of who we are. Once
we have that understanding, we are empowered to make more informed
choices about how we want to be in the world, rather than simply
responding to circumstances in a conditioned, poorly-informed way. 
It is about helping us to best use our unique gifts to  benefit
ourselves and those around us.  That%u2019s all there is to it. 

I hope this was helpful in some way.

Best wishes to all.

Izabella Tabarovsky

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