The ugly reality here is that if you were an employee or a work-for-hire
contractor you have no rights to access or show that work. Inherent in those
relationship is ownership of your work, which you do not have. Even had you
backed up all of your work locally, and they asked you to destroy those
copies, you would be legally obligated to do so.
Most employer will allow you use work that is not confidential in your
portfolio. Once the work is public domain, in other words published or
publicly used, you can claim credit

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 12:06 AM, Tara Goskie <>wrote:

> I have been working for a company creating online software/application
> for the past years. Recently I got laid off and they disabled my
> connection to the company's server right away. Since I was a remote
> employee, I wasn't able to get the design files I'd done for the
> company. Therefore, I emailed them to ask for a copy for the purpose
> of creating personal portfolio. They transferred my question among
> different managers and ended up ignoring my request.
> I'm really frustrated because I'd been working for this company
> since I graduated and now I'm losing all the design works I've
> done, not knowing what I could include in my portfolio in order to
> move on to the next job. Since I was paid to create the designs, I'm
> afraid I may not have the rights to request the files. Is there any
> third person I could contact for assistance? What would be the
> appropriate way to handle the issue?
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