OK, I think this page explains it all:

I've made the notification but so far no response.  I respectfully 
submit that others should follow the same instructions on that page to 
report the situation and bring it under control.  I also don't think 
it's simple "backscatter" unless you include intentional backscatter in 
your definition.  From what I can see, this is one or more persons 
bashing the servers intentionally thinking they might accomplish 
something by being a nuisance and stopping it is a simple matter for the 
   However you look at it, the reports should be submitted by as many 
people here as are willing to do so in order to get it stopped.

So, guess it's up to the group for the most part.  I'm done and have 
done what I can within bounds of the charters/rules etc.  If it keeps 
up, I'll have my first valid use for a killfile entry.


> It's backscatter. But in all fairness, it's probably just a mail
> server response from a user that has been terminated, and they need
> to be notified of the problem first. I'd politely notify them -
> advise them of the problem, and then if they continue to do it, lart
> their service provider ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

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