KUDOS off the top of my head and at first glance.  The first two things 
I noticed that help an awful lot are:
--  a Desktop Icon; I didn't have to fart around creating a new shortcut 
to open office.  Con: I sort of wish it had been a folder with all the 
component icons in it, e.g. writer, calc, base, etc., but this will do 

--  Image Anchors; They are now more direct to access and no longer 
necessary to remember to go to Layout, Advanced to find them and set 

-- No improvement on the automagical movement of images within tables or 
interspersed throughout a large document, BUT ...
BETA 3.0 shows these problem images to be anchored to "character", which 
is incorrect, BUT it explains some of the strange movements I see 

Ver 2.4 shows them as vertically anchored to paragraph, as does Word, 
the original creator of these files.  Where Version 3 BETA is showing 
them as anchored to a CHARACTER!
   Although 3.o seems to be in error, if 3.0 were CORRECT, it would much 
easier explain the odd movements of images, even why some of them leave 
a table cell, I think.  The anchor seems to move from a character inside 
the table cell to a character not IN the table, thus moving the image 
out of the table. And in other cases, well, who knows what character the 
anchor might get moved to?
  Based on a Word file as the origin, and differing anchor info between 
2.4 and 3.0, this would seem like a conversion problem more than 
anything else.  To me, at least.
   Interestingly enough, when an image becomes anchored to a character, 
there is no anchor to show; this explains why I -thought- the anchor 
wasn't being displayed in some of the movements; it wasn't<g>.  I never 
anchor an image to a character so none of the character anchors 
originated with me; it has to be OOo.  Word, BTW doesn't show an anchor 
if I manually anchor something to a character either, BTW.   But like I 
said, that's not something I do.  I use either Page or, more often, 
Paragraph for the anchor, period.
   Also, when an image is anchored to a character, when you select it, 
it does not appear selected even though it is.  The cursor remains in 
the paragraph you last had it in and the image never gets handles or any 
other indicators of being selected.
    I never knew you could anchor to a character until 3.0 showed me. 
Like I said, 2.4 doesn't indicate that; it indicates paragraph, but I'm 
suspecting it's the 2.4 anchor that's incorrectly determined and 
actually the anchors have been changed to characters, as 3.0 is now 
clealy showing.
   An easy way to see these differences is to open a problem file that 
demonstrates unplanned image movement in OOo, then open it once each in 
2.4 and 3.0, put them all on the screen at once, and check them out.

 I don't think I should be muddying up the Issue Reports with this sort 
of thing since it's so general  and vague in nature:  Perhaps someone 
here can make sense of it, duplicate it, and decide better how to phrase 
it for a good, inclusive Issue.
   My original Issue on this is 88989 .

Q:  Does OOo provide any mechanism that would allow me to search & 
replace 'anchors to character' to 'anchors to paragraph'?  Don't think 
I've ever seen anything like that.




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