I am disappointed enough in the recent round of Issue closures and 
"won't fix" actions that you may ignore this original posting.  I've 
tried hard to use OOo and wasted quite a bit of time trying to help, but 
I'm going to have to go back to MS Office and PDF Creator since it's the 
only reliable way of producing the files I need.  Thus, I won't be using 
OOo enough to learn anything more of any value to anyone.  A pretty good 
disappointing effort.

Best of luck to all, and Regards,


> KUDOS off the top of my head and at first glance.  The first two
> things I noticed that help an awful lot are:
> --  a Desktop Icon; I didn't have to fart around creating a new
> shortcut to open office.  Con: I sort of wish it had been a folder
> with all the component icons in it, e.g. writer, calc, base, etc.,
> but this will do fine!
> --  Image Anchors; They are now more direct to access and no longer
> necessary to remember to go to Layout, Advanced to find them and set
> them.
> -- No improvement on the automagical movement of images within tables
> or interspersed throughout a large document, BUT ...
> BETA 3.0 shows these problem images to be anchored to "character",
> which is incorrect, BUT it explains some of the strange movements I
> see happening!
> Ver 2.4 shows them as vertically anchored to paragraph, as does Word,
> the original creator of these files.  Where Version 3 BETA is showing
> them as anchored to a CHARACTER!
>   Although 3.o seems to be in error, if 3.0 were CORRECT, it would
> much easier explain the odd movements of images, even why some of
> them leave a table cell, I think.  The anchor seems to move from a
> character inside the table cell to a character not IN the table, thus
> moving the image out of the table. And in other cases, well, who
> knows what character the anchor might get moved to?
>  Based on a Word file as the origin, and differing anchor info between
> 2.4 and 3.0, this would seem like a conversion problem more than
> anything else.  To me, at least.
>   Interestingly enough, when an image becomes anchored to a character,
> there is no anchor to show; this explains why I -thought- the anchor
> wasn't being displayed in some of the movements; it wasn't<g>.  I
> never anchor an image to a character so none of the character anchors
> originated with me; it has to be OOo.  Word, BTW doesn't show an
> anchor if I manually anchor something to a character either, BTW.  But 
> like I said, that's not something I do.  I use either Page or,
> more often, Paragraph for the anchor, period.
>   Also, when an image is anchored to a character, when you select it,
> it does not appear selected even though it is.  The cursor remains in
> the paragraph you last had it in and the image never gets handles or
> any other indicators of being selected.
>    I never knew you could anchor to a character until 3.0 showed me.
> Like I said, 2.4 doesn't indicate that; it indicates paragraph, but
> I'm suspecting it's the 2.4 anchor that's incorrectly determined and
> actually the anchors have been changed to characters, as 3.0 is now
> clealy showing.
>   An easy way to see these differences is to open a problem file that
> demonstrates unplanned image movement in OOo, then open it once each
> in 2.4 and 3.0, put them all on the screen at once, and check them 
> out.
> I don't think I should be muddying up the Issue Reports with this sort
> of thing since it's so general  and vague in nature:  Perhaps someone
> here can make sense of it, duplicate it, and decide better how to
> phrase it for a good, inclusive Issue.
>   My original Issue on this is 88989 .
> Q:  Does OOo provide any mechanism that would allow me to search &
> replace 'anchors to character' to 'anchors to paragraph'?  Don't think
> I've ever seen anything like that.
> Regards,
> Twayne

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