Dean's method is one possibility.  This is actually a very interesting
question and I'm nojt sure how I'd solve it.  I thought about it a bit
during my drive home, and here's the approach I would take...  This is
alot easier if there are only two choices for each statistic
(male|female - american|foreign - white|nonwhite), but it could also
work with multiple choices for each.

First, how to measure the success of the program?  Measure the
percentage of each stat in the group as a whole (I'll call this Big
Ratio), and then measure the percentages in each of the 25 groups
(I'll call this Group Ratio) and see how closely they each match.

Okay, next, how to divide them up into groups?  I'd start by seeding
each group with a random individual.  Then I would take each person
from the pool of potential students and loop over each group, testing
to see if adding that person to that group would make the Group Ratio
for that group closer or farther away from the Big Ratio.  Whichever
Group Ratio moves the farthest toward the Big Ratio would be the group
you add that individual to.  Once a group reaches 17 people, close it
and stop adding people to it.

You'll have to find a way of combining the ratios and determining one
big number that represents the combination.  I am sure if I paid more
attention in my statistics class I'd know it had something to do with
standard deviations, but I didn't pay any attention - so that's up to
you to figure out.

Once you are done, look at all the Group Ratios and see how close
their balance measures up to the Big Ratio.

Two suggestions to make this easier on yourself:
1) Start by attempting to balance a smaller number of groups than 25.
2 or 3 maybe.
2) Start with binary choices, then move on to multiple choices after
you have  amethod that is capible of balancing two choices.

Least that's where I would start.  If you are willing, post your
solution (in english or in code) once you're done.  I would be
interested in seeing how you did it.


On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Tepfer, Seth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a challenge laid out before me. I need to divide the incoming Oxford 
> student class into 25 groups of about 16 or 17 students each. However, they 
> want the groups to be as balanced as possible, across number, sex, race, and 
> geographic origin. Now, I can easily see how to balance based on sex or any 
> single characteristic. But how to balance across all three at the same time? 
> My head starts spinning when I think about the issues that we won't 
> necessarily have equal distribution across any of the characteristics.
> I don't need the code, just the concept. I am having a hard time conceiving 
> on how to do this if the people were standing in front of me, much less by 
> code. Any ideas?

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