On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 4:12 PM, P.J. Eby <p...@telecommunity.com> wrote:
> At 03:53 PM 4/6/2009 +0200, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>> 2009/4/6 P.J. Eby <p...@telecommunity.com>:
>> > Have you ever *used* plain distutils for a significant project?  I
>> > invented
>> > the source control feature in setuptools because I was constantly ending
>> > up
>> > with files missing from my sdists, due to forgetting to add some sort of
>> > glob pattern to MANIFEST.in.  It's not going to be any better by putting
>> > those globs into setup.py.
>> Well, I used setuptools unfortunately. The day I switched from svn to
>> mercurial, people started
>> to complain because my distribution had missing files.
>> So I eventually switch to use MANIFEST.in, because package_data
>> features were incomplete.
>> So, I know exactly on my side why I don't want to be tighted to a VCS
>> plugin.
> Are you saying the mercurial plugin doesn't work?  Did you contact the
> author?

It was not existing back then unfortunately.

Another example :

Once, we switched to SVN 1.5, and we were
totally dependant of you for many days because setuptools was broken
with the new subversion layout.

(we didn't want to change all our packages back to the Distutils way,
but we should have had because at
the end, it was shorter)

Again, I don't want to depend on a third party (D)VCS. It's a nice
addon, but not for a robust distribution tool imho.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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