Some time ago, I started the process [1] of adjusting how
distutils-sig uses the PEP process so that the reference
specifications will live on, and we use the PEP
process to manage *changes* to those specifications, rather than
serving as the specifications themselves (that is, adopting a process
closer to the URL-centric way the Python language reference is
managed, rather than using the RFCstyle PEP-number-centric model the
way we do now).

I never actually finished that work, and as a result, it's currently
thoroughly unclear [2] that Description-Content-Type and
Provides-Extra are defined at rather than
in a PEP.

I'm currently at the CPython core development sprint in San Francisco,
and I'm thinking that finalising that migration [3] and updating the
affected PEPs accordingly (most notably, PEP 345) is likely to be a
good use of my time.

However, I'm also wondering if it may still be worthwhile writing a
metadata 1.3 PEP that does the following things:

1. Explicitly notes the addition of the two new fields
2. Describes the process change for packaging interoperability specifications
3. Defines a canonical transformation between the human-readable
key:value format and a more automation friendly JSON format

That PEP would then essentially be the first one to use the new
process: it would supersede PEP 345 as the latest metadata
specification, but it would *also* redirect readers to the relevant
URL on as the canonical source of the
specification, rather than being the reference documentation in its
own right.



P.S. Daniel, if you're currently thinking "I proposed defining an
incremental metadata 1.3 tweak years ago!", aye, you did. My
subsequent additions to PEP 426 were a classic case of second-system
syndrome: (which we
suspected long ago, hence that PEP's original deferral)

Fortunately, the disciplining effect of working with a primarily
volunteer contributor base has prevented my over-engineered
version from becoming reality ;)

Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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