On Thu, 2020-12-03 at 11:58 +0000, Adam Johnson wrote:
> What prevents you from using select_related with an explicit list of
> relations that you *do* want? 

well the fact the select_related() call is in third party code. In the
most common case for us  this is contrib.admin.

So we are forced to be a bit more explicit in the ModelAdmin Meta
definition than we would normally be. It no
bad thing., but it occasionally catches team members out. It fails fast
here, so it's not going to go unnoticed like
a performance problem can. 

Thanks for the blog link and the  reference to django-auto-prefetch,
there is some good stuff in there to think about.

Roger Gammans <rgamm...@gammascience.co.uk>
Gamma Science Ltd. (GB Nr. 07356014 )

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