yml schrieb:
> Hello,
> what I am trying to do since this morning is to allow my logged in user
> to create Members. As you will see below Member is related to the User
> class by a foreignkey.
> so far I create User, Member using generic view. What I would like to
> do is to remove the user field from the form: "members_form". And this
> is where I am stuck.
> since the user attribute is mandatory for a member.

I'm on the magic-removal branch and I don't know if the following also 
applies to the released version--there is an undocumented optional 
`follow` parameter on the generic views. It can contain a dict of 
{fieldname: Boolean}; a True means to use this field, a False means to 
ignore it during validation and building the model from the form dict.

You can then use a custom Manipulator to set the user field. To do this, 
create a version of the generic view that allows to pass in a 
manipulator class (I'll ask the developers to enhance generic views this 
way, since it's a really nice pattern. You can do pretty much with 
custom manipulators and short views that call the generic views.

Here's how I use it in the view function:

def follow_only(model_cls, field_list):
     """builds the "follow" dict that specifies which fields to take from
     the POST data.

     Manipulators are passed a dict { fieldname : Boolean } as `follow`.
     `follow_only()` builds this dict from the model class and a list of
     field names (containing the fields to take from the POST data.

     This should really go into a library module or to the django 

     res = dict.fromkeys(model_cls._meta.get_follow().keys(), False)
     return res

class MailboxAddManipulator(models.Person.AddManipulator):
     """Customized Manipulator"""

     def save(self, new_data):
         # add pwuse
         self.follow["pwuse"] = True
         new_data["pwuse"] = models.Person.get_pwuse_bitmask("mail")
         # add kunde
         self.follow["user"] = True
         new_data["user"] = get_new_mailbox_name(new_data["kunde"])
         return models.Person.AddManipulator.save(self,new_data)

def create_mailbox(request, admin_name):
     models.Kunde.objects.managed_by(admin.id).distinct() ] )
     return create_object(

Looking back at this, I don't think that you really need the 
`follow_only` function, you probably can pass follow={"unwanted_field": 
False} in your case.

Let me know if this helped! I'm also interested in any comments about 
this style.


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