
{{ form.as_ul }} or {{ form.as_table }}, etc, should work for this

Hope that helps,

Matt wrote:
> Hello group,
> I'm reasonably new to Django andconfused over how to implement generic
> views for CRUD operations, specifically with respect to newforms. I'm
> using 0.96 for the time being, but I'm happy to upgrade to the
> development version if required.
> What I'm trying to acheive is an automatic way of rendering a form to
> create/update etc. a model. I know this is possible because the admin
> site does it!
> I understand how the URLconf part of things work, but I'm not sure
> what to put in the template to actually render the form.
> For completeness, my URLconf contains this line:
> > (r'^job/new/$',         create_object, {'model': Job, 'template_name': 
> > 'newjob.html'}),
> and my (very simplistic) template contains this:
> > {% block content %}
> > <p>Fill in this form:</p>
> > {{form}}
> > {% endblock %}
> I had hoped that some magic would turn {{form}} into an HTML rendered
> form, but all it does it output the __str__ method of FormWrapper.
> If I use {{form.field}}, then the field is correctly rendered in the
> HTML - but it seems stupidly repetitive to have to manually rebuild
> forms in the template using {{form.field}} for every field. So my
> first question is: how can this be done automatically?
> Secondly, am I shooting myself in the foot here by using elements of
> oldforms which will be canned in the next stable release? And if so,
> are there any resources out there on how to do this the 'right' way?
> Many thanks indeed,
> Matt.

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