On 15-Oct-07, at 8:31 PM, Rytis Sileika wrote:

> I was just wondering, what are the best practices to setup/manage
> django projects?
> Let's assume two developers working on the same project, same machine.
> Models, views are constantly changing, that would make me think that
> the best way is to have two separate DBs and two separate django
> projects for each developer, and merge these branches every week or
> so. So branch per developer approach. Is that the normal approach to
> manage django based projects?

django projects - like all other projects - are managed by having a  
central repository. Each developer checks out the code and works on  
his own machine with his own local database. He then checks in his  
work to the repository. The guy in charge, tests the code, and if it  
works he the n does an svn up on the production site. Depending on  
the status of the developer he may get full, partial or no commit  


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