> I started out by having lots of little apps, but that seemed to be a
> bit painful, having 5 or 6 sets of models.py, views.py, and urls.py.
> Now I just have one app, the functionality that I'm working on.  I'll
> come through and refactor later if I need to.

really? I'm researching Django for a potentially large project, I was
thinking of having a layout like this:

|--core # models reused everywhere: Person, Address, etc
|--apply # models only for application: Questions, references, etc
|--enroll # models for enrollment, mostly core, maybe 1 or 2 extras.

and so one ... thinking that when I develop in the apply app I'll only have to

from mainproject.core import Person

and so on ... Does this not work as easily as I am hoping? I'm
guessing core won't have much (any?) templates/views, all that being
handled in the sub applications ...

But I'm just getting into Django design ... so I may be way off base

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