On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 14:25 -0800, Peter wrote:
> I am trying to filter by users who are not staff, but this user column
> accepts NULL values in my model.
> As a result I need to check for user__isnull, since
> user__is_staff=False will not work for null values.
> I tried:
>   Post.objects.filter(Q(user__isnull=True) | Q(user__is_staff=False))
> but this returned nothing, while a plain old:
>   Post.objects.filter(user__isnull=True)
> returns a query set with Post objects.
> I tried rewriting this as a NAND:
> Post.objects.exclude(user__isnull=False).exclude(user__is_staff=True)
> but this didn't work either.
> Is this a bug?

This is basically #2080 (and a number of other variants).


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