Check this out:

On Jan 11, 6:54 am, Josh Ourisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have two models, modelA and modelB. ModelA needs classB1 and classB2
> from modelB, while modelB needs classA1 from classA.
> So, in the file for modelA I have 'from modelB.models import
> classB1, classB2'. This worked just fine until I added to the
> file for modelB 'from modelA.models import classA1' after
> also adding the class B3 that needed to reference classA1. Now when I
> try to syncdb it tells me that modelA cannot import class B1.
> Is there some particular reason that such cross-importing wouldn't be
> possible? Do I need to use a different importing syntax or something?
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