> So i'm working on a view that will need to parse character 
> strings that will have a predictable structure, but dynamic 
> content.  The format will look like 
> "%Zxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^xxxxxxxxxx?;xxxxxxxxxxxxxx? where all x are 
> the unpredictable characters and all the rest will be present 
> in EVERY string, regardless of content.  I'm relatively new to
>  django, so there are many functions, and options that i'm 
> unaware of, and i'm sure there is some type of split() 
> modifier, or some related function that would help in parsing 
> the text for use as variety of variables derived from the 
> original string.

This sounds like a common use for regular expressions:

 >>> s = "%Zxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^xxxxxxxxxx?;xxxxxxxxxxxxxx?"
 >>> import re
 >>> r = re.compile(r"%Z([^^]*)\^([^?]*)\?;([^?]*)\?")
 >>> m = r.match(s)
 >>> m.groups()
('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
 >>> a, b, c = m.groups()

It gets a little confusing to parse that regular expression 
because of all the escaping but it's

  %Z     literal "%Z"
  (...)  first grouping
  [^^]*  zero or more characters that aren't a "^"
  \^     a literal "^"
  (...)  second grouping
  [^?]*  zero or more characters that aren't a "?"
  \?;    a literal "?;"
  (...)  third grouping
  [^?]*  zero or more characters that aren't a "?"
  \?     a literal "?"

If you need the transform in a view, you'd need to create a 
custom filter (see the online help about creating your own filters)

> Also, does anyone happen to know of some command within django
>  that will allow me to capture a specific number of leading 
> characters? Something like foo = 
> original_string.MAGICFUNCTION(4) that would capture the first 
> 4 characters and save them to foo would be awesome.

that's easy:

   >>> original_string = "this is a test"
   >>> original_string[:4]

Django's template language already contains a "slice" filter

   {{ original_string|slice:":4" }}


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