On Dec 4, 12:59 am, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'll keep poking around a bit and see if I can dig up anything
> further.

I think I tracked it down...

Looking at the tracebacks above, you can see the first time through,
it winds up on line 198 which tries to import the urls.py file.  In my
particular case, the urlconf_name was "profiles.urls".  And indeed, my
local (in my project) profiles app does not have a urls.py file in
it.  If I `touch profiles/urls.py` things work, sort of.

The thing is, I'm using James Bennett's django-profiles package and
it's not in my project but it's on my Python path.  There are no
models, so I never put it in my INSTALLED_APPS (though reading now,
the docs say I should have)... I only reference the profiles.urls in
my root urls via include(), and that pulls in the urls from the
profiles app on my Python path.  I have a local project app also
called profiles, however, that doesn't include a urls.py (because I'm
using the one from James'), and this is the reason for the breakage.

Having the app named `profiles` is the perfect name but it can't exist
on my Python path and in my project without a conflict.  I tested
renaming mine, putting the "profiles" in my INSTALLED_APPS, and all is
well now.

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