Hi List,
I have this problem now. It's about a form in my models.py that works as
expected when testing with django server but when testing with apache sever
(all in the same machine, mac osx leopard) it does not work as desired.

class GridJobForm(forms.Form):

    file = forms.FileField(help_text="(Mandatory)")

    title = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False, help_text=

    def clean_file(self):

        file = self.cleaned_data['file']

        print file.content_type

        if len(file) > gridMaxFileSize * 1024 * 1024: #bytes

            raise forms.ValidationError('File size must not exceed %s Mb.' %

        msg1 = 'File upload must be a valid ZIP/TGZ/BZ2 archive.'

        msg2 = 'Could not unzip file.'

        msg3 = 'Could not uncompress file.'

        msg4 = 'Bad zip file'

        #print file.content_type application/x-tar

        if file.content_type == 'application/zip':


                zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file) #StringIO( file['content'] ) )


                raise forms.ValidationError(msg2)

            bad_file = zip.testzip()


            del zip

            if bad_file:

                raise forms.ValidationError(msg4)

        elif file.content_type in ['application/x-gzip', 'application/x-tar',


                tarfile.open(fileobj=file) #<---- problem with apache?


                raise forms.ValidationError(msg3)


            raise forms.ValidationError(msg1)

        return self.cleaned_data['file']

It happens when I submit a tgz file to my apps under apache and the code
enters in "elif file.content_type in ['application/x-gzip'...". When it
"try" 'arfile.open(fileobj=file)' it fails and raises msg3.

I have no idea how to debug this and can't figure out how come it happens. I
tried big and small files (thinking it could be something related
to InMemoryUploadedFile).

I did just another thing: I removed the "try" to see what django debug would
report under apache and I got this:

AttributeError at /ccpngrid/

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'

Any help would be very appreciated. Many thanks in advance.


Alan Wilter S. da Silva, D.Sc. - CCPN Research Associate
Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA, UK.

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