On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:40 AM, andreas schmid <a.schmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> im experiencing strange problems now. the user is able to authenticate
> against ldap only if in the active directory the displayName == username
> why this? i dont get any error or traceback, the user only isnt able to
> get logged in

If users were able to authenticate, and are now not able to
authenticate, what changed?  At my place of work, I've learned to
expect changes in Active Directory every so often -- my AD admins are
not that great at notifying users of impending changes.  These changes
occasionally cause breakage elsewhere.

If not in AD, did something else in your environment change?

The normal way ldap-groups works is that sAMAccountName is the field
used to identify a user in AD (line 106 in
ldap-groups/accounts/backends.py), and is used as the source of their
django.contrib.auth.models.User username.  So, if you go changing
someone's username via the admin, or otherwise edit the username data
in your db, then the username won't match the sAMAccountName, and they
won't be able to log in to that account.  Similarly, if their
sAMAccountName changes in AD, and they log in to your site with the
new name, they will effectively have created a second account in your
db.  If you have resources tied to an account in Django (saved
bookmarks, tags, uploads, etc.), the user won't have access to those
resources any longer, as they're on a new account.

I realize that sAMAccountName is not the same as displayName.  I
wonder if you were mistaking the occasional coincidence between
displayName and sAMAccountName?  Or did you edit the app to use
displayName?  Perhaps you could post more details about your issue,
including code.

Also, you may want to instrument the LDAP code.  Either log the
results from the LDAP calls to a file, or drop in some print
statements and run via runserver, and see what messages your LDAP
environment produces.  Useful bits to log will be lines 82, 106, and
132 in ldap-groups/accounts/backends.py.


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