On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Eric Laganowski <e...@laganowski.net> wrote:
> Brad Morgan wrote:
>>> Guys, all I want to do is to be able to use my company-provided laptop at
>>> home which has proxy in the network. It is configured with a different
>>> domain than my local subnet for obvious reasons.
>>> DHCP was tested and confirmed to work properly with MSIE. FF does not
>>> work as it relies purely on DNS (wpad). The idea is to make this as
>>> transparent as possible.
>> I think you need two things. First, an DNS entry on your home network that
>> resolves wpad.company.network to a local address. Second, at that address,
>> you need to provide a web server that serves up a proxy configuration file
>> that basically says bypass the proxy for everything. Here's an example
>> proxy.pac file:
> Brad,
> All the pac files have been setup and confirmed working. I can setup
> wpad.company.network and it will work.
> I want to accomplish, if you say, a generic kind of design. I do not want to
> be dependent on modifying/restarting dnsmasq
> every time a client shows up on my network with a different domain name in
> it's network properties. I understand that
> some people may find it questionable/crazy, but I think it is technically
> possible.

dnsmasq rereads /etc/hosts without any restart required.  But while
responding to wpad.* is technically possible, it doesn't solve the
problem of automatically making clients use your proxy.

> Thanks,
> Eric

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