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One excellent resource Tom links to is the newer Journal of Community
Informatics: http://ci-journal.net  I've added a recent table of
contents below.

Steven Clift

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:                   "Thomas Lowenhaupt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What would New York City’s government look like if it was designed
today, from scratch? How would information and communication
technology influence its design? How would you weave the internet
into local governance? Would you make it more transparent, even a
fishbowl? Would you provide real-time access to decision making? What
processes and technologies might prove useful? As a community board
member for 12 years, I’ve had the honor of seeing our government
function up close. And I’ve had contact with thousands of my
neighbors when they’ve approached the board for help. And while I’m
proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish, I’ve decided to search
out innovative ways we might better identify and address local needs.

Recently I created a space for this exploration called the
BeyondVoting Wiki - see http://beyondvoting.wikicities.com. The
BeyondVoting Wiki provides a place where people can gather to
speculate on ways we might use the internet to improve our city. It
takes a bottom-up perspective, looking primarily to empower
individuals, community organizations, and community boards. You might
think of BeyondVoting as a convention of sorts, where people can
gather, ponder, research, discuss, and propose a new governance
structure for New York City.

(If you’re not familiar with a wiki, it’s a new type of web page
that’s great for complex projects like discussing city governance and
coming up with a set of improvement plans. To touch the power of a
wiki, visit en.wikipedia.org for its best implementation to date.)

Where does the effort go? As a community board member I can promise
to bring the findings to my board (www.cb3qn.nyc.gov). Perhaps it
will agree with BeyondVoting’s conclusions and pass a supporting
resolution. We might even agree on an implementation effort to help
make the plans reality.

I’m sending this invitation to people who are involved with civic
affairs, government, or technology. Give your two cents at
http://beyondvoting.wikicities.com - or more.  And please, pass the
invitation on.


Tom Lowenhaupt


------- End of forwarded message -------


  JCI Home > Vol. 1, No. 2 (2005) open journal systems

Sustainabilty and Community ICTs


  Editorial: Sustainability of Community ICTs and its Future   HTML |
    Michael Gurstein

 points of view

  Sustainable Community Technology: The symbiosis between community
technology and community research   HTML | PDF
    Peter Day

  Tsunami Warning Systems and the Last Mile   HTML | PDF
    Michael Gurstein


  A Way Forward: Sustainable ICTs And Regional Sustainability   HTML
    Greg Hearn, Megan Kimber, June Lennie and Lyn Simpson

  Community Portals: A False Dawn over the Field of Dreams?   HTML |
    Stephen James Musgrave

  Sustaining Community Access to Technology: Who Should Pay and Why.
    Vanda N Rideout and Andrew J Reddick

  Online communities sustainability: some economic issues    HTML |
    Laura Anna Ripamonti, Fiorella De Cindio and Mario Benassi

  Sustaining and transforming a community network: The information
continuum model and the case of VICNET   Abstract
    Donald Schauder, Graeme Johanson and Larry Stillman

  Community Informatics and Sustainability: Why Social Capital
Matters   HTML | PDF
    Lyn E Simpson

  Emotion, Gender and the Sustainability of Communities   HTML | PDF
    Kerry Jeanne Tanner

  An Interpretivist Case Study of a South African Rural Multi-Purpose
Community Centre   HTML | PDF
    Jean-Paul Van Belle and Jonathan Trusler

 case studies

1.  Sustaining Computer Use and Learning in Community Computing
Contexts: Making Technology Part of “Who They are and What They Do”
    Cecelia Bridget Merkel, Mike Clitherow, Umer Farooq, Lu Xiao,
Craig Harvey Ganoe, John M Carroll and Mary Beth Rosson

2.  A Role for Universities in Sustaining Regional ICT Initiatives?
Exploring the Case of the University of Ballarat   HTML | PDF
    Helen C Thompson

 notes and cases from the field (practitioners)

  A Note on these "Notes from the Field"   HTML | PDF
    Michael Gurstein

  How Wi-Fi came to El Chaco   HTML | PDF
    Klaus Stoll

  Open letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin: Broadband connectivity
in aboriginal communities   HTML | PDF
    Geordi Kakepetum

  Community Wireless Networking and Open Spectrum Usage: a Research
Agenda to Support Progressive Policy Reform of the Public Airwaves
    Sascha Meinrath

 in memoriam

  Dirk Koning, 1957-2005   HTML
    Michael Gurstein

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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USA    -   -   -   -   -       MSN/Y!/AIM: netclift

UK Office Hours - 1pm - 11pm  -   -  T:  0870.340.1266
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