*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

Some recent highlights:

1. Netelection.Org <http://www.netelection.org> has a good analysis
of the Internet and the presidential debates
<http://netelection.org/commentary/2000030.php3>.  Also see their
recent opinion article

2. The Democracy Online Project <http://www.democracyonline.org>
announced their Rate the Candidates' Web Sites effort
Their user guide <http://democracyonline.org/review/> is quite handy
for anyone developing a candidate site.  Mark December 4, 2000 on
your calender for the Politics Online Conference
<http://www.gspm.org/politicsonline/> in DC.

3. Also check out some the resources at Buying Time
<http://www.buyingtime.org/> on political advertising, Duke's Web of
Politics site <http://www.webofpolitics.com/index-1.htm>, Mike
Cornfield's analysis for the Vanish Voter project on the role of the
Internet at the Republican convention
and it might be interesting to compare women candidate web sites to
each other and the sites for male candidates

4. And check out the in-depth article about the use of database
software by campaigns and parties from the Washington Post
<http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40787-2000Oct9.html>.  I
ran a local phone bank for a political party in 1990 and got a first
hand sense about how technology was being used to influence
individual voters.  Building the "online public commons" is a direct
reaction to that experience. Instead of using technology that
quantifies citizens as factors in some master political equation, I
am motivated by online applications that give citizens more power and
a voice in democracy.

Links Away!

Steven Clift
Democracies Online Newswire

P.S. I am about to send out the public DO-WIRE invitation I will ask
each of you to send to at least three other people.  Please start
thinking of ways we can increase the membership base of this list
from 1300 to 2000 subscribers by the end of 2000.

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
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