Thanks for the reply. :)

So, I pretty much read the entry for accuracy and edit it for
grammar/spelling, make spelling/grammar changes, and then detail what
I did in the Discussions section?

I'm a bit unsure about where in the Wiki I would rate or time stamp.
I didn't see ratings, but I saw version numbers.  Am I looking in the
wrong place?


De Angela

On 1/7/14, Keith N. McKenna <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> De Angela Jackson wrote:
>> Hi. I've read through all of the foundation info,  and I've looked
>> through some of the archived emails.
>> Some of the archives might be outdated and the suggestions
>> completed. So, where and how do I get started?
>> Thanks. :)
>> De Angela
> De Angela;
> First off let me apologize for not getting to you earlier. With the
> holidays it has been a bit hectic. There are a number of things that
> need doing at the moment. One that is fairly easy is to check
> completed pages against the software to be sure that they are correct
> and easy to follow. You would just open one of the doc pages in your
> browsr and then open OpenOffice and follow the steps in the document
> and make sure that thy correspond to the software and do what they say
> they do.
> If you would like to start with this then just go to our status page
> at and
> look for pages that have not been checked for accuracy with 4.0 and go
> ahead and do it. when complete just add your name and time and date
> stamp to the status page for that document. The easist way to do that
> is to enter 5 tilde characters (~). This is a standard Mwiki shortcut
> to entering your signature with date and time.
> If you have any questions or need clarification on any thing please
> com back to the list with them and one or more of us will be glad to help.
> Also if you would like to start with somthing else please let us now
> and we can guide you further in where you would le to help.
> Regards
> Keith N. McKenna
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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> =0U71
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