On 2/15/2013 1:24 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
When you uninstall LibreOffice it has to leave the User Profile behind
so that a new install can pick up on all the old settings and stuff.

Also the problem is that the MS uninstaller is a bit rubbish imo.  Uninstalling 
any programs tends to leave a lot of stray bits behind and however carefully 
the devs try to make sure it does behave it just never quite behaves properly.  
LO is not alone in this.
Regards from
Tom :)

Or... you can just dump everything--leaving nothing behind--and quickly set up a new profile/customization again on top of a clean installation.

A decent uninstaller utility app offers its user an option to perform a deep scan after uninstalling, which typically finds 50 to 100 orphaned files and Windows Registry keys that could be retained, if desired for some odd reason, but usually would be deleted by the user.

Detroit--two miles north of Canada, Windsor, that is...

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