Hi Peter,

ptoye schrieb:
Sorry, Regina, I was referring to the link about Building on Windows. I found
the help files, but rather oddly the Base help files don't seem to be there,
and it's one of those that I need to edit! There's a folder for almost every
other LO application except Base. I'm looking in the
libreoffice-\helpcontent2\source\text folder, which I assume
is correct.

That is correct, but most of the file names are build of numbers and it is hard to identify the relevant file. You can use a portion of the help page text and use a tool to search in files. Or you use the file I have attached. It will help you to identify which file is currently shown in the help viewer.

How to use it:
Close LibreOffice and go to the installation folder of your LibreOffice. There should be a folder "help". Open it. You should see a file 'main_transform.xsl'. Rename this file for example to 'main_tranform.xsl.orig', so that you can easily revert the change. Then put the attached file there. When you now start LibreOffice and open the help, you should see a header with the file name, for example:

File name: /text/shared/main0108.xhp

Of cause, for you it will not be 'shared/main0108.xhp' but it will be the file name, which belongs to the page, you are currently viewing in the help.

That way it should be easy for you, to identify the path to the file, which holds the text content of the help page you are currently looking at.

[The change I have made belongs to a couple of changes, which was used some years ago in OpenOffice to ease the work of translators. https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=56321]

Kind regards

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