Hi Olivier,

Olivier Hallot píše v Pá 16. 12. 2016 v 08:52 -0200:

> > I am (so far) convinced that the actual format is not the real problem
> > here, and that with a bit of a cleanup, XHP will be as convenient as a
> > format as HTML would be - but with the advantage that:
> The format is not the problem as long as we have tools to edit the
> contents with the benefits as listed above. The only XHP rich editor is
> HelpAuthoring extension, which is still buggy and demand a long and
> steep learning process. By contrast, users and volunteers are much more
> comfortable with editors available in CMSs, forums and wikis, such as
> TinyMCE, CKEditor, or any other markdown editor.

Sure; the thing is that from my point of view it's easier to tweak such
an existing tool to consume the XHP markup, than a big bang conversion
to a general HTML that on one hand loses semantics (like the <section>
or <embed> tags), and on the other lets very free-form stuff going in
(should people use <b>'s and <i>'s?  Or <emph>'s and <strong>'s?  Or
just div's and css?).

This can easily become quite messy, so having a stricter XML (like the
XHP) is useful from my point of view, so that we can extend the markup
where we need in a targeted way (eg. to be able to build books from
that, or to add the multimedia content or so).

> > * get rid of the old attributes that were used only for the
> >   helpcontent -> helpcontent2 migration (like the 'oldref' or 'l10n'
> >   attribute)
> OK. but cleaning up useless attributes in XHP such as oldref= and l10n=
> should not trigger a fuzzy state in our translation process.

Yes, I've already synced with Cloph on that, see the other mail :-)

> > * make the 'id' attribute non-mandatory, and instead check during the
> >   build for the presence of the id's that are referenced from somewhere
> >
> >     + this needs to be done carefully not to affect l10n
> ID is absolutely mandatory because "filepath+filename+ID" sets the
> uniqueness of the string in the help system for the translation process.
> If we change the format XHP to format ABC, then there must be a
> one-to-one relation between IDs in XHP to IDs in ABC. Another constraint
> is that once an ID is set for a string, it must remain the same forever
> for that string.
> So, we must keep "id" and also "localize".

The id is mandatory only if there are two (or more) same strings in one
file, otherwise the uniqueness is given by the filepath + filename + the
string itself.

This can be easily mandated by a git hook that would check this (or even
generate the id's in cases where necessary).

> > Going further, we can later change 'paragraph' to 'p', introduce 'h2' as
> > a shortcut for <paragraph role="heading" level="2"> too, if we with so;
> > but for the moment, I think there are XHP features that are worth
> > keeping, because as a format, it gives more semantics to the text than a
> > plain HTML would do.
> Perfect.
> As I put above, we must keep id="...". That is not a issue at all. Note
> that if the format ABC is actually HTML, your example turns to
> <h2 id="hd_id3145649">Heading</h2>
> <p id="par_id3145663">The actual text...</p>
> and we keep the uniqueness of the ID, our translators (including me) are
> happy and users thrilled to use their preferred markdown javascript editor.

The complexity here lies in the structure, not in the markup.  We need
an editor that "understands" the structure, unfortunately.  But again, I
believe that's not a hard problem to sort out :-)

In my ideal world, I'd like to see a button in the help next to the
paragraph with "Improve this text", that would lead through some google
(or so) sign-in to a web-based editor where the person would update the
text, check a checkbox agreeing with the license, and it'd be submitted
to gerrit for review.

> Let me think a bit on the "localize=" attribute...
> > Any objections, please? :-)
> I will build a wiki document comparing and commenting XHP and HTML5, for
> evaluation. This is not an endorsement of HTML, though.

A cheat-sheet of xhp vs. html markup would be indeed useful; just to
show people that xhp is not that bad if we get rid of the attributes
that we don't need, but are repeated all over the place, making it look
complex :-)

All the best,

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