Hi Cathy,
Several people contributed to the Contributor Guide, and some parts of
it are out of date, as you know.

Some comments inline below.

On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 3:18 PM Cathy Crumbley <catcr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The Contributor Guide is extremely helpful and I deeply appreciate that
> someone --presumably Jean--invested the time and energy to create it. I
> would just like a little bit of clarification.
> Chapter 2 provides guidelines for indexing. On page 11, the guidelines
> say: "The translators have requested that we do NOT create index entries
> that surround words or phrases in the text. Instead, we need to create
> entries that are embedded before or after the words or phrases to be
> included in the index."
> What is the rationale for not creating index entries that surround words
> or phrases? How does this help the translators?

Olivier or Sophie or someone can provide the technical explanation. My
understanding is that it interferes with the translation software

> Then, in the next paragraph, it says "Either highlight the word or
> phrase to add to the index or place the cursor at the beginning of the
> word."
> This appears to contradict the previous paragraph, where it says to not
> highlight entire words and phrases. What should the guideline be?

This is ambiguous wording on my part. There is a difference between
"highlighting" the word or phrase before indexing it and "surrounding"
the word or phrase with the index entry itself, but it's hard to

> Two lines later, it says: "DO NOT simply accept the word or phrase shown
> in the Entry box. Instead, first change the word or phrase in some way,
> for example by typing a blank space at the end or (if appropriate)
> changing an initial uppercase letter to lowercase.
> This requirement seems puzzling. I am sure that there are good reasons
> for changing the word or phrase and would appreciate some insight.

That is simply an effective way to ensure that the index entry does
NOT "surround" the word or phrase, but instead is embedded just before
it. There are other ways, which might be better.

BTW, I think some of the indexing may have changed in the software;
I've recently noticed some things working differently (at least some
of the time) than they did when I wrote those instructions. If so, the
instructions may be out of date and need rewriting to match reality.

> Thanks for whatever clarification people can provide.
> Cathy

Regards, Jean

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