
I could not successfully follow the steps to use the SOS extension as in
documented in sscli\docs\debugging\sos.html. Everytime I try to set a
breakpoint (after loading the SOS), it fails. For example:

0:000> bp rotor_pal!pal_writefile
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for D:\NET\SSCLI\build\v1.x86chk.rotor\ro
0:000> bp sscoree!RunMain
Bp expression 'sscoree!RunMain' could not be resolved, adding deferred bp

Moreover, why do I always get "ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.
Defaulted to export symbols for ntdl
l.dll" when I start the NTSD debugger?

Can anybody help? Thank you.

PS: I tried to use the latest version of the Debugging Tools for Windows.


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