> Inline :-) And do yourself a favor and get some serious consulting.

+1. I would go so far as to say that your chances of failure exceed 50%
if you plan to have this done in the next two years *unless* you get
some serious help. And not a body shop like whatever Anderson is calling
itself these days, but someone who's read and believes the message in
Tim Ewald's "Transactional COM+".

BTW, I'm not even sure I agree with this statement:

> Our company is a ecommerce company.  We currently have no
> middle tier. We are looking into moving most all of our
> business logic into a middle tier.
> *** Ok so far.

A middle tier - like any technology - is not a panacea. And n-tier
architectures have a lot in common with web services, i.e. tool vendors
like to sell them to you, but not many people actually understand why
they have one. You need to make sure you need one before you build one.

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