Dear "Original" :-)


Here is what I would do:
(a) encode an ASPX or ASMX page in the url.
(b) read out the other parameters from the URL. Now, this does not have
to look like a parameter. It is valid to have something like this:


It is a bit of math to get the "reminder" URL, but it is totally legal.

The handler does not have to be registered anywhere at all :-) THIS is,
btw, somehow what they do with their custom protocol handler.

Your mistake (or our misunderstanding) is that a pluggable protocol has
a very special meaning in the Windows world :-) A different one.


Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)

-----Original Message-----
From: David B. Bitton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Freitag, 10. Mai 2002 16:28
Subject: Re: [DOTNET] custom URL protocol handler

As the "original poster", or as I like to call myself, Dave, perhaps a
clarification is necessary.  The idea came from a concept that was
by the Apache FOP development mailing list.  FOP is a Java package for
rendering XSL-FO into formats such as PDF.

The code allows for the XSL-FO to reference an external image source by
of a URL.  When a developer asked about how to retreive images from a
someone said that what they had done, is defined a custom URL protocol
handler that returned the image from the DB as a byte stream, the same
as if
it was fetched from a HTTP server.

Ok, so I am currently developing an app that parses template files, and
outputs content based on the files.  I thought that it would be a neat
concept if I could use custom URL's that my parser would pickup, and
the proper custom protocol handler.

Now, I've seen from the original postings, that I need to implement two
classes that inherit from WebRequest and WebResponse.  Where my question
lies, is two fold.  First, does anyone have a sample if this being done?
And second, once I have these classes, how are they known to be called
I create the WebClient() object?


David B. Bitton

Code Made Fresh DailyT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Tomiczek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 4:02 AM
Subject: Re: custom URL protocol handler

I know, STILL I am not so sure what the original poster actually wants
to achieve. And I am pretty sure he does not talk of C++ :-)


Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)

-----Original Message-----
From: Valery Pryamikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Freitag, 10. Mai 2002 09:55
Subject: Re: [DOTNET] custom URL protocol handler

IE clickable and pluggable protocol handlers are rather different
things. With PPH you can use URL from any URLMoniker consumer, like f.e.
source to XML Document, or URL for DirectX media surface image, and
anything else. You control your own URL schema as you wish, and at last
- to implement PPH isn't such a difficult job, esp. if you use helper
classes from my web page ;-).
As an example - vp.inlineurl protocol is only 32 lines of C++ code long


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Tomiczek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [DOTNET] custom URL protocol handler


You define overkill by a far margin - well, it MAY be.

To implement a handler for a "clickable" protocol in IE all you need is
ONE (!) registry key to be set. Then the hyperlink click will start an
executable with the hyperlink as parameter.

The original poster asked for a class exposed, BUT - maybe he wants to
make something like an email client, look-wise. Actually, I would have
preferred to know more about what he wants to achieve - he wants
something handled from within IE, and if this is as a result for a
hyperlink (like the user clicking on a hyperlink to start an
application), then this is easier.

We use the protocol handler plus a "pickup application" that is then
starting the real app and getting the URL by windows message.


Titled: Registering an Application to a URL Protocol

In most cases this is enough :-)


Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)

-----Original Message-----
From: Valery Pryamikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Freitag, 10. Mai 2002 09:33
Subject: Re: [DOTNET] custom URL protocol handler

        To use it from IE (and other URLMoniker consumers) you have to
implement your own Pluggable Protocol Handler. You can find a couple of
C++ (VC6) samples how to implement your PPH on my webpage Tim Tabor also has PPH sample on his
website, which you can check.
Clear .Net solution doesn't quite work, except if you just go interop
way, implement all necessary PPH support+registration and register you
.Net object as COM object. You'll also need to put it into the GAC along
the way, for making it available for any URLMoniker consumer.
Another way of solving it could be to implement un-managed PPH (in C++)
and host CLR from it. It will give you many more available choices than
going other way around. F.e. just think of the providing you own
Evidence, or/and ApplicationBase/PrivateBinPath, ConfigurationFile and
so fourth.
Possibilities with the later solution is quite impressive, like f.e. you
can use CodeDOM to dynamically compile and run embedded
Jscript/CSharp/VB.Net code; use .Net remoting for communicating to .Net
remote objects and/or webservices + many-many more.
And hosting CLR is rather simple and straight-forward task - check
"hosting interfaces.doc" in Tools Developers Guide.


-----Original Message-----
From: David B. Bitton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: [DOTNET] custom URL protocol handler

Thanks.  I checked out the link, but I'm not seeing how I would use this
create my own protocol.  For example, I'd like to be able to put in a
"foo://bar" and have a class handle that accordingly.  Once I have
coded, how do I use it, and can I use it in IE on the local machine?


David B. Bitton

Code Made Fresh Daily(tm)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marsh, Drew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: custom URL protocol handler

> David B. Bitton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > Java 2 allows for the definition of custom URL protocol
> > handlers.  By this, any entity that takes a URL as location
> > for data, you can create a custom protocol (like cvs://), and
> > your custom protocol handler would fetch the data.
> >
> > Can I do this in .NET?
> Yup, check out the System.Net.WebRequest architecture, specifically
> section called "Programming Pluggable Protocols"[1].
> HTH,
> Drew
> [1]

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