On 9.9.2007, at 11.00, Mart Pirita wrote:

Your PAM modules are getting stuck. Probably has nothing to do with
Dovecot itself.

But I haven't change/install/upgrade anything, but the Dovecot. And version 1.0.3 gives errors like crazy, 1.0.2 from time to time and older versions none? Seems something in new Dovecot versions drives PAM crazy.

The only changes to dovecot-auth between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 were for LDAP code, which you aren't using. So I think the problem has more to do with the binary getting compiled a bit differently, causing random problems in a buggy PAM module.

What userdb do you use?
Hmm, passwd, dovecot -n:

auth default:
 verbose: yes
 worker_max_count: 90
 process_size: 512
   driver: pam
   driver: passwd

So where do PAM and passwd do the lookups from? If you're using pam_ldap+nss_ldap you really need the blocking=yes for them to work right.

You could try adding blocking=yes to passdb
pam's args or if you're using userdb passwd add blocking=yes to its

So either passdb or userdb, but not to both?

Or both. If you're doing LDAP or other remote lookups it's a good idea to set it to both.

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