
The only changes to dovecot-auth between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 were for LDAP code, which you aren't using. So I think the problem has more to do with the binary getting compiled a bit differently, causing random problems in a buggy PAM module.

So where do PAM and passwd do the lookups from?
Lookups, hmm, do You mean where passwords are defined and stored. I'm using system accounts, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow etc..

If you're using pam_ldap+nss_ldap you really need the blocking=yes for them to work right.
I'm not using LDAP.

Or both. If you're doing LDAP or other remote lookups it's a good idea to set it to both.
Ok, I'll try tomorrow version 1.0.4 and blocking=yes in passdb: and userdb:


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