On Qua, 2010-03-03 at 11:09 +0100, Carsten Laun-De Lellis wrote:
> Hi all
> I am using dovecot at home for privat use and i found a lot of 
> documentation here on the web. But you know, i am an old fashion guy and 
> i like books. Is there a book on the market that will help me with 
> understanding dovecot more and the configuration options ?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I would rather have a dovecot devel book. What optimizations were made?
What libs were made from scratch and why? All the gory details. A la
Robert Love's Linux Kernel Development.

-- Jose Celestino SAPO.pt::Systems http://www.sapo.pt
"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious
people." -- Dr. House

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