
On 5/31/10 6:04 AM, "Timo Sirainen" <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Well .. maybe you could use separate services. Have the proxy listen on
> public IP and the backend listen on localhost. Then you can do:
> local_ip {
>   passdb { 
>     ..
>   }
> }
> and things like that. I think it would work, but I haven't actually
> tried.

It doesn't seem to be honoring the passdb setting within the local block.
I've got a single host set up with director, and itself listed as a mail

director_servers =
director_mail_servers =
userdb {
  driver = passwd
passdb {
  driver = sql
  args = /etc/dovecot/proxy-sqlite.conf
local {
  passdb {
    driver = pam

If I telnet to localhost and attempt to log in, the logs show:

May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: AUTH    1
PLAIN    service=imap    secured    lip=    rip=
lport=143    rport=60417    resp=<hidden>
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: sql(brandond,
query: SELECT null AS password, 'Y' AS nopassword, 'Y' AS proxy
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: client out: OK    1
user=brandond    proxy    pass=<hidden>
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: AUTH    1
PLAIN    service=imap    secured    lip=
rip=    lport=143    rport=44453    resp=<hidden>
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug:
sql(brandond, query: SELECT null AS password, 'Y' AS
nopassword, 'Y' AS proxy
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: client out: OK    1
user=brandond    proxy    pass=<hidden>
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: imap-login: Error: Proxying loops to
itself: user=<brandond>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
lip=, secured, mailpid=0
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: new auth connection:
May 31 14:39:34 cc-popmap7 dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 1
attempts): user=<brandond>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
lip=, secured, mailpid=0

Even if the alternate passdb worked, how would I get it to connect to the
backend on localhost? It looks like the proxy connection comes in over the
external IP even if it's to itself, as the external address is what's
specified as the proxy destination by the director.

I do have a private network that I run NFS over; I suppose I could run the
proxy on the external, backend on the internal, and use only the internal
IPs in the mailserver list. I've also tried that, but it doesn't seem to
work either due to the passdb setting not being honored within local|remote

Even if it did, wouldn't it still complain about the proxy looping back to
itself since both lip and rip would both be local addresses? Unless the
loopback check just compares to see if they're the same... Either way, it
seems like having proxy_maybe work with the director service would make the
whole setup a lot simpler.

> There's not yet a static passdb .. perhaps there should be. But you
> could use e.g. sqlite backend for the proxy and use:
> password_query = select null as password, 'Y' as nopassword, 'Y' as
> proxy

 That seems to work well enough, with the major caveat noted above.

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