
On 5/31/10 4:36 PM, "Timo Sirainen" <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> The passdbs and userdbs are checked in the order they're defined. You could
> add them at the bottom. Or probably more easily:
> local {
>   passdb {
>     driver = sql
>     args = ..
>   }
> passdb {
>   driver = pam
> }
> userdb {
>   driver = passwd
> }

Ahh, OK. For some reason I was assuming that the best match was used.
Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work either. I've got it set up just as
you recommended:

[r...@cc-popmap7 ~]# cat /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf | nl | grep -B1 -A4
    35    local {
    36      passdb {
    37        driver = sql
    38        args = /etc/dovecot/proxy-sqlite.conf
    39      }
    40    }
    41    passdb {
    42      driver = pam
    43    }
    44    userdb {
    45      driver = passwd

It still doesn't respect the driver for that local block, and uses PAM for

May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: AUTH    1
PLAIN    service=imap    secured    lip=
rip=    lport=993    rport=57067    resp=<hidden>
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug:
pam(brandond, lookup service=dovecot
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug:
pam(brandond, #1/1 style=1 msg=Password:
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug:
pam(brandond, #1/1 style=1 msg=LDAP Password:
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: client out: OK    1
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: master in: REQUEST    1
5652    1    d19a5592fd2206241cfc0ca658020b0b
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug:
passwd(brandond, lookup
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER    1
brandond    system_groups_user=brandond    uid=41027    gid=91
May 31 16:48:16 cc-popmap7 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<brandond>,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS, mailpid=5667

Interestingly enough, if I run 'doveconf -n' it doesn't seem to be retaining
the order I specified. The local section is dropped down to the very end:

[r...@cc-popmap7 ~]# doveconf -n | nl | grep -B1 -A4 passdb
    31    }
    32    passdb {
    33      driver = pam
    34    }
    35    plugin {
    36      quota = fs:user:inode_per_mail
    82    local {
    83      passdb {
    84        args = /etc/dovecot/proxy-sqlite.conf
    85        driver = sql
    86      }
    87    }



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