On 08 Jul 2020, at 12:28, Kishore Potnuru <kishore.reac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As per our current infrastructure, I can go maximum of the redhat 7.7 version.

If you have artificial constraints that limit your software to only what is 
available for old Extended Support systems them when that old software is not 
working, you need to go to the people providing the extended support and have 
them fix the software.

I something is working in the current Dovecot but you can't use the current 
dovecot, there's not really any way for dovecot to solve that for you.

With the rapid changes in security requirements and in particular for mail, 
running mail on a 10 year-old release and maybe considering updating to a 6 
year-old release is just not a good plan.

It seems to me that mail, DNS, http, and TLS/SSH/etc software should be kept 
up-to-date on any forward-facing machines. "Extended" versions of the OS sound 
like they're a great idea, but when they leave you behind with broken or 
vulnerable software is there really a benefit?

Say, give it up, give it up, television's taking its toll That's
        enough, that's enough, gimme the remote control I've been nice,
        I've been good, please don't do this to me Turn it off, turn it
        off, I don't want to have to see

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