I'm not one of the hardcore developers, but anyone who has had experience
with me knows, I'm not afraid to flap my gums a bit....

Sooooo....  FWIW -

> - Should the <category> being set in the localaliases.txt file be used
> in building the menu, so that all of my local aliases aren't in the
> Shortcuts category?

I agree that would be a nice change..   Could you please submit this
enhancement to the sourceforge tracker?

> - Does disabling searches through the help file actually make any
> difference in the loading of DQSD on startup?

Not currently...  disabling the searches really just removes the entry from
the menu..  The plan is to eventually skip loading searches that are
disabled which, among other things, will hopefully improve the startup
processing demand..

> - Also, I've included a search for webmonkey.com, in case anyone is
> interested.

Very nice!.. I will check it in..

> Sorry to include so much in one message - I have been saving up for a
> while! BTW, thanks again to everyone who has contributed to DQSD, it
> just keeps getting better and better :)

Kudos to the developers..   they have really firmed up this app..  There
aren't really many more things that I personally would change with the
toolbar..  I am very happy with it.. A few bug fixes maybe..


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