Hi all...

I hope somebody has a quick & easy answer to this.

I just got a new machine at work (yay!) and set about getting everything 
installed/configured/setup/etc. (including, of course, DQSD).

I successfully transferred over my settings files and history file from the old 
machine to the new, and everything was (nearly) fine... except, on this 
machine, I was getting that annoying 'security warning' when booting up the 
machine, and had to click through that nonsense before DQSD would actually 

So, I set out to fix this problem... and, in researching, found Monty's post 
about simply installing the 4.0 release, which does something different and 
works around this error.  (I had been running and uninstalled that and 
installed 4.0 RC3).

I was still getting those 'security' warnings, even with the 4.0 RC3 release, 
so I did the registry hack to resolve it, and that seems to have done the 

Now the issue is with the history -- at first I thought it hadn't picked it up, 
but it has...  it's just that the up/down arrows (or Ctrl-P/Ctrl-N) do not work 
to scroll through the history.  As you might imagine, that significantly 
impacts the usefulness of the application!  In the short term, I figured I 
could just load up my old history file in notepad, and cut/paste stuff into 
DQSD until I figured out the Up/Down not working --  no, Ctrl-V doesn't paste 
into the entry box, either.  I basically have to type out whatever 
search/function I want to use, every time I want to use it.  The coce seems to 
be working correctly -- in that what I type is being appended to the 
history.txt file, so I think it's just an issue with the keystrokes.   But what?

Any help would be most appreciated!

(As a side note -- why did I "upgrade to 4.0" to fix the 'security' thing, when 
it didn't fix it anyway and I still had to do the registry hack?   I could have 
done that under and not lost all the rest of this functionality!)

Hardware:  Dell Optiplex GX520
OS:        WindowsXP SP2
IE:        6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.061030-0016
DQSD:      4.0 RC3  (previously

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