Hi Charlie & Kim,

Kim pointed me in the right direction and I now have it working to my
satisfaction with only the following in localsearch.css:


I have changed the clock display in localprefs.js to suit my taste and
it looks better centered.

Thanks to you both for all the useful pointers.

'Till the next time... ;)

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 08:43:51 -0800, you [Charlie Russel] wrote:

}Bill (and Kim) -- For some clues on how and where to change, take a look at 
}the Vista CSS file we did. (Look under Themes, Vista in the installation 
}We had to do quite a bit of tweaking to get fonts where we wanted them in 
}Vista, and I think you'll find some good clues in that directory.
}----- Original Message ----- 
}From: "Kim Gräsman" <kim.gras...@gmail.com>
}To: <bill.hew...@sentex.net>; "DQSD users mailing list" 
}Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:07 AM
}Subject: Re: [DQSD-Users] Adjust Clock Font
}> Hi Bill,
}> The clock is governed by the CSS class "clock" in search.css. Here are
}> the relevant portions:
}> --
}> .txtfld, .clock
}> {
}> font : menu;
}> background-color: window;
}> color: windowtext;
}> border-style: inset;
}> border-width:1px;
}> padding-top:2px;
}> padding-left:2px;
}> padding-right:2px;
}> padding-bottom:3px;
}> margin:0px;
}> position:absolute;
}> overflow:hidden;
}> word-break:break-all;
}> }
}> .clock
}> {
}> background-color: menu;
}> color: windowtext;
}> cursor:hand;
}> text-align:right;
}> }
}> --
}> You should be able to set the font size, by adding something like:
}> .clock
}> {
}>  font-size:15px;
}> }
}> to your localsearch.css, but I don't know CSS well enough to say that
}> that's the final truth.
}> The idea, anyway, is that you overload whatever class you want to
}> change in localsearch.css -- the specifics of what you want to do
}> should be CSS mechanics.
}> Good luck,
}> - Kim
}> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 20:23,  <bill.hew...@sentex.net> wrote:
}>> Hi,
}>> I wish to enlarge the clock font to about 15px, and I understand that
}>> the default settings are contained in search.css.  I also follow that
}>> the setting to be changed must be copied to localsearch.css and the
}>> changes made there.
}>> What I can't fathom is what section of the search.css contains the
}>> section to be adjusted.  My knowledge regarding css (and probably most
}>> other things) is nada.  Attempts so far have been unsuccessful.
}>> Would a Guru please be so kind as to point me in the right direction.
}>> Thanks...
}>> --
}>> Bill

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