On Wednesday 13 August 2003 01:10 pm, Ian Romanick wrote:
> Nicholas Leippe wrote:
> > So, here's my odd question:
> >
> > Is it possible to put the older (pci) card in the system w/the
> > radeon, have the radeon render to a texture, and have the older card
> > simply display the texture?
> I don't think that you could easilly do it transparently to apps.  It
> *might* be possible to have the Radeon driver copy the back-buffer to
> the other card on a glXSwapBuffers, but that doesn't handle
> single-buffered visuals or rendering to the front-buffer.

Hrm, thinking about the xv method mentioned earlier, could I run an 
xserver on each card, and write a small app that combined xwd and 
xsetroot (attached to both xservers) in a loop?
Could it be fast enough, not tear, etc?

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