I have a question about an odd setup--I just want to know

a) if it is even possible
b) if so, how difficult would it be (a few hours or several months)
c) is there a better way of achieving an equivalent

My motivation:

I recently acquired an SGI 1600SW lcd display at surplus.  I lucked out 
and got a matching SGI 320 w/the output to drive it.  However, I don't 
really need the 320 nor plan on using it, but would like to use the 
1600SW on another system.  (the 320 is a p2 450 vs my desktop--a dual p3 
1400--no contest ;)

There are two options for this:

1) buy the $500+ multilink hardware adapter to drive it
2) buy a <$100 older card that can drive it (there's about 3 models I 

The tradeoffs are for (1) I can use any video card I want, and get 
whiz-bang performance from my radeon on it.  (2) is simply much more 
realistic budgetwise, but it would require giving up all hope of doing 
anything 3d with that system since the older cards are many generations 
behind, and only pci at that.

So, here's my odd question:

Is it possible to put the older (pci) card in the system w/the radeon, 
have the radeon render to a texture, and have the older card simply 
display the texture?


p.s. I realize this still doesn't resolve the 2d issue, but 2d off the 
older card should be fine.  Kinda like the 3d pass-through that was used 
w/the 3dfx voodoos.

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