On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Paul Mackerras wrote:

Vladimir Dergachev writes:

You can just run gdb on the problem. I have seen these segfaults before -
they appear to be due to the fact that despite the name we do not
implement vertex buffer extension properly..

It turns out bzflag doesn't always segfault, only if I try to turn the "Blending" option off in the "Display settings" menu. The segfault is due to doing a procedure call to a NULL function pointer at line 279 of Mesa/src/mesa/tnl/t_vb_render.c in the run_render() function:

  tnl->Driver.Render.Start( ctx );

i.e. it seems that tnl->Driver.Render.Start is NULL.

I notice that r200_swtcl.c does this in radeonFallback():

                tnl->Driver.Render.Start = r200RenderStart;

Is that statement what should be being executed to initialize
tnl->Driver.Render.Start?  Or does that only apply for r200, not r300?

We should probably have analogous code for r300.


                           Vladimir Dergachev


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