There are several things going on here.

o  The dark side of greater modularity and Maven's magical
   behind-your-back dependency management is that we lose sight of
   some of the pieces.  The Services Framework and core services have
   been In There for some time but we never notice them; "DSpace" is
   whatever you get when you check out svn/repo/dspace/trunk, plus
   some shadowy stuff that Maven takes care of (which now includes
   Services and will surely grow to encompass other parts of the

o  I don't believe there has ever been a completed call for consensus
   on Services.  The developer community as a whole have not signed up
   to the notion that this is the way forward.  Without a group
   commitment, inertia will rule and Services will languish.  We've
   talked about it quite a lot but the talk has never advanced to a

We need to reach that decision and, assuming "yes", mark the
ConfigurationManager and PluginManager as @deprecated so we're
constantly reminded, "oh, yes, I should use the Whatsit Service now."
If there are reservations then let's get them on the schedule and
address them.  We need to get beyond this point, one way or the other.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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