We have a few metadata maintenance related tasks (e.g. scan through the
metadata of items changed since last run and make sure the metadata
complies to certain rules) that we want to automate with scheduled
tasks. As I see it we have the following options:

- shell / perl scripts that use psql and finish by running index-all
- standalone java applications that use jdbc to modify database contents
- java applications based on the DSpace API

I guess using the API would be the "safest" way to access the metadata,
but I'm wondering if it's overkill for operations that could easily be
carried out with a small number of relatively simple SQL statements in a
script. On the other hand, bypassing the API and tweaking database
contents manually carries the risk of screwing stuff up unintentionally,
unless one's 100% sure about the scripts.. Any thoughts about this?

Some sample code for how to use the API would also come in handy, if
someone happens to have something they want to share. 

Best regards

Mathias Hjelt

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