>  Thank you, Dorothea for your help - i found that by commenting out or adding
>  block below in webapps/xmlui/themes/dri2xhtml/DIM-Handler.xsl i can
>  remove/add metadata from default itemSummaryView.


>  However, i need to add metadata from our custom shceme to itemSummaryView -
>  how do i do that?

Well, the first question is whether it's showing up in your DIM, or
whether the metadata Aspect isn't smart enough to pull in metadata
outside the DC schema. One of the Manakin devs will have a better read
on this than I do, but to find out for yourself, navigate to an item
page that has metadata from your custom schema and add "?XML" to its
URL. The result will be the DIM. Search that for your custom metadata.
If it's there, you're fine. If not... you'll need to do some Aspect
programming, which is a bit above my knowledge level at present.

> And there is my custom metadata kept?

It should be in the metadatavalues table in the database with everything else.

What you're looking to do is add more rows while changing the
"dim:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'myelement' and @qualifier='myqualifier']" piece.
If you compare the XSLT code you pasted to the DIM, you should see
pretty quickly how that works.


Digital Repository Librarian AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
Rm 218, Memorial Library
(608) 262-5493

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