On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 15:31, Paul Go <pgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to get size statistics (disc space, number of items, number
> of objects, etc) per collection in DSpace?

Hi Paul,

DSpace can display number of items. You didn't write which DSpace
version, interface and theme you're using, so I'll assume
1.8.2/XMLUI/Mirage. To enable showing number of items, you need to
schedule periodic run of "[dspace]/bin/dspace itemcounter", then in
dspace.cfg set
webui.strengths.show = true
webui.strengths.cache = true
and restart Tomcat.

If you want to calculate the other statistics, your best bet is to
take the data directly from the database. The queries will be
complicated, but it is possible. You can find the database schema


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