Hi Hristo,

I'm not sure that I understand what you want to achieve. I have a
feeling that you may be mixing two different things -
Messages.properties and item metadata.

messages.properties contains static user interface strings that do not
change and can be translated
item metadata is not stored in Messages.properties, but in the
database (metadata* tables)

You would customize Messages.properties only if you want to
1) make changes to the user interface
2) translate the interface

You would make changes to item metadata if you want to change what
shows up e.g. in the simple/full item record view. There are many ways
how you can change the metadata, see the various "importing" chaters

I think you may be confused because the strings from
Messages.properties (e.g. browse.type.metadata.author) look similar to
metadata field names (e.g. dc.contributor.author). In fact, they are
not at all related.

Does that clear it up or was your problem something else?


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